Yoh and his friends reach a small city called YontaFe and discuss how they will resume their journey now that Lyserg joined the X-Laws and left them with nobody with similar information-finding skills. They end up meeting Chocolove, an Afro-American shaman who offers himself to be their new member since most shamans are travelling in groups to raise their chances of survival. He also says he is good in finding information, reveals he knows all their names and introduces Mick, the Jaguar, as his guardian spirit, which allows him to use its fine speed. However, he tells lots of unfunny jokes and does not seem strong, which causes the team to be reluctant about allowing him in the group. Chocolove explains he wants to be the Shaman King in order to become the world's greatest comedian and make it a better place with "the winds of laughter". Suddenly, Zenryou emerge and attack Yoh's group, but are easily and repeatedly dispatched by Ren. The group realizes something's wrong when they keep coming back after multiple defeats, showing inhuman endurance. Ren realizes they will have to kill both opponents to end the fight. Chocolove has a memory of his master back in New York City ending a hostage situation by simply telling the criminal a joke, which eventually caused him to peacefully surrender. Some time later, the master fell ill and died, leaving Mick as Chocolove's guardian spirit. Back to the present, Chocolove uses Mick's senses to uncover Peyote, one of Hao's followers. It is revealed that Zenryou are actually unconscious and their bodies are being controlled by Carlos and Juan, two Mariachis who are now Peyote's spirits. Chocolove dodges Zenryou's attacks and reaches Peyote, who reveals several other spirits: Antonio, José, Pancho, Zapata and Miguel. However, Chocolove uses his special attack, Ayers Rock, to make Peyote's spirits laugh and become vulnerable, allowing Ryu and HoroHoro to dispatch him. Later, Chocolove reveals a person named Lilirara lives in town and knows the location of the Patch Village. Meanwhile, the blond X-Laws member tells Lyserg he will take him to the clan's leader, Jeanne. Also, Anna, Manta and Tamao arrive in the United States and meet Faust VIII at the airport. The doctor asks Anna to help him reuniting with Eliza and offers to help Yoh in return.